What are the dates of the challenge?

The Challenge officially will run from Thanksgiving week, November 22, 2021, to New Years Day 2022. During that time period, your challenge is to complete at least the 275-mile virtual route from Mt. Vernon, VA to Times Square in New York City. Only mileage posted during those days will count toward your progress.

What is the sign up process?
  • Go to  to sign up for the event. After you successfully register on the site you will receive a confirmation email with additional information to complete your setup.
  • The confirmation email will include a link to My Virtual Mission (MVM) and specifically the Team C2C Holiday Challenge. Sign up as free user of MVM. Please note, I need to add the teams manually. If you sign up on MVM right after registering on the site, you may not see your team name, just pick Individual or TBD. I’ll make sure you are assigned to the right team when I confirm your acceptance to the MVM site.
  • Teams on MVM are assigned a logo/picture if they want it. As the admin, only I can change these, so if you’d like to update your logo, please send it to me at
What do I get for my entry fee?

All registered participants will receive the following:

  • Full registration to the Holiday Challenge
  • Mileage posting and tracking in the official challenge app (connects with most fitness trackers)
  • Official Holiday Challenge long sleeve t-shirt
  • Pride of completing the 247 mile challenge


How come I have to pay the same amount as a solo person if I'm on a team?

Because you still get the same swag! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to share a t-shirt with my teammate! If you want to share the same miles and only get one t-shirt, sign up solo.

Can I register with friends?

You can register to complete the challenge solo or as a team of 2, 3, or 4 people (each participant must register individually). If registering as a team, you’ll need to come up with a team name.

Do I need to register all my teammates at once, if participating as a team?

No. While you can register multiple people at once, that’s mainly so they can just go on one credit card charge. As noted, each person can indicate their team when signing up, and I’ll make it happen. Or you can email or Facebook message me.

Won't a team finish faster?

There is no award for first place! This is not a race, it’s a group, shared challenge, so tackle it however you choose. Want to do all 275 miles in three days or spread it out over the entire time period? It’s your choice. Get out and enjoy the challenge!

How do I complete the Holiday Challenge?

This is a virtual event so you can bike/run/walk/swim/paddle/skate anywhere and upload your mileage as you complete it to the challenge app. As you post your mileage in the app,  we will be able to see your progress.

After registering, participants will be given access to a website/app that will record their daily progress to update a progress map (with Street View for an up-close look) and leaderboard. Data can be entered manually or by linking to your Strava account. You can even attach pictures and leave comments. Don’t just log distance, show us how you did it! Have fun, be social, and share your progress so we can support you.

When and how will shirts be distributed?

Shirts will be mailed to your registered address by the end of January.

What is Strava? Do I need it?

Strava is a social-fitness network that can be paired with numerous fitness/activity trackers (Garmin, Fitbit, Apple, etc). Your Strava account can then be paired with our event host website/app to automatically sync and move you along the Team C2C Holiday Fitness Challenge. Click here to find out if your favorite activity tracking app syncs with Strava.

If you don’t have a free or paid Strava account, or there are issues, you can just log into the MVM website/app to manually add your distance and activity type.

Do I have to do the same activity for all my miles?

Nope! The website/app will be set up to accept biking, running, walking, paddling, swimming, blading, and wheelchair activities that occur indoors or outdoors.

Do I need to show proof of completing an activity?

No, this challenge, like life, is based on the honor system. If it’s linked up to Strava, that’s fine, but if you use manual entry, we just ask it’s your best estimate of mileage. If you are able to post a photo with your mileage entry, that’s a bonus, but not required. We don’t have anything for you if you finish first! If you cheat, well, you’ll just have to live with cheating yourself.

What shirt size should I order?

All shirts are normal adult sizes. If in doubt, plus a size to be safe. Please ensure you order the appropriate size as replacements will not be available.

I don't live in Florida, can I participate?

Yes of course you can! We’re happy to have you join the Holiday Fitness Challenge. The only requirement at this time is that you have a valid US mailing address so I can mail you your shirt.

Do I have to pay anything for the MVM account?

No. Your registration fee grants you access to the Team C2C Holiday Fintness Challenge Mission in the MVM app.

Are there any refunds?

Sorry, no refunds.

What if my question isn't answered here?

You’re the inquisitive type, huh? No worries, email me at 

Happy to answer your questions and help you out!